În rândul oamenilor de știință sunt adevărate îngrijorări, după ce Orbita Pământului a ajuns plină de deșeuri. Astfel de reziduuri spațiale pun în pericol atât sateliții, cât și astronauții. Zilnic, în jur de o mie de avertismente de coliziune sunt emise, aspect care ar putea să provoace „o reacție în lanț de neoprit”. Informațiile se […]
The main concern highlighted in the text is the growing amount of space debris in Earth's orbit.
This debris, consisting of defunct satellites, rocket parts, and other objects, poses a serious threat to both operational satellites and future space missions.
The accumulation of debris increases the risk of collisions, which can create a chain reaction leading to a cascade of further collisions. This could ultimately render Earth's orbit unusable for space exploration and commercial activities.
The main concern highlighted in the text is the growing amount of space debris in Earth's orbit. This debris, consisting of defunct satellites, rocket parts, and other objects, poses a serious threat to both operational satellites and future space missions. The accumulation of debris increases the risk of collisions, which can create a chain reaction leading to a cascade of further collisions. This could ultimately render Earth's orbit unusable for space exploration and commercial activities.